For those of you needing your conspiratorial fix…

Immigration records missing for week of Obama’s birth
Arpaio’s team probing possibility president born abroad

Since this period _exactly_ matches (too bad I don’t have audio, I need that ominous music right now) the supposed period where Obama would have been brought into the country by his mother (_if_ she was indeed his mother!), then clearly there is NO OTHER WAY to interpret this than as a vast left-wing conspiracy to keep Obama illegally in office (where, btw, he has enacted the vast majority of the right-wing agenda, so if anything the left-wing should want to see his ass thrown out).

Just more evidence, as if it were needed, that human beings are, as a species, totally irrational, idiotic sheeple that will believe any tripe fed to them

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...