Greed fatigue

Greed fatigue and MF Global
Speculators who lost $1.6 billion for their customers get big bonuses. So what else is new?

Just like my constant bla bla bla police state other people are bla bla bla-ing about the criminal activities of our Wall Street overlords. Of course, I mention them a time or twain myself, but I consider the root of the problem with the government, not Wall Street. However, since our current society has put the fox in charge of the hen house, we should expect that fatigue would set in hearing the exact same story over and over again. When you can’t change anything, ignorance really does seem to be the preferable alternative. One of my goals with this blog (other than trying to make my days go by a wee bit faster) is to serve as a pointed stick poking into the sides of my reader(s) reminding them that our society really does suck and we really should give a damn that wealthy crooks routinely thumb their noses at the law and our government routinely ignores its own binding Constitution.

Consider yourself poked.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...