Too bad they don’t live very long

Cuttlefish have high definition polarization vision, researchers discover

If they lived longer they probably would have evolved enough intelligence to ensure some smart-assed monkeys never got the chance to destroy the environment.

Octopi are also highly intelligent but also suffer from very short lifespans. Their lifespan appears to be the same as their sex life, meaning that they die shortly after having sex and long before they might be able to pass on information to their children. Given their amazing ability to not only change the color of their skin, but the texture as well, I have to assume they have the capacity to produce a language as least as complex as ours and unlike dolphins and whales, they have manipulative appendages, meaning they can directly impact their environment much like we do with our opposable thumb (it is easy for me to imagine they can be vastly more successful with their 8+ arms).

Author: Tfoui

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