Vote Republican! Reelect Obama!

Obama’s War on Pot
In a shocking about-face, the administration has launched a government-wide crackdown on medical marijuana

As a general rule I am not in favor of Democrats but I liked a lot of Obama’s rhetoric during his campaign (I expected he would back off of some of it (he is a politician, after all, thus by definition a pathological liar only interested in corrupt power), but didn’t expect him to out Cheney Cheney). Personally I think making any law that is impossible to enforce (or where society refuses to supply the resources to enforce) is a stupid law as all that does is make for inconsistent enforcement (meaning individual cops and prosecutors get to pick what they want to enforce and what they choose to ignore). What we have now is a situation where we (as a society) pointlessly pissing away _billions_ of dollars in a vain attempt to block illegal drugs, thus providing organized criminals with profit margins so huge that they can corrupt our entire justice system and have people driving under the influence and killing people, addicts transmitting disease, families destroyed, etc. It seems to me the _only_ rational solution (which, naturally, means it is out of the question in our highly defective society) is to make the drugs all legal, thus subject to regulation. We would still have addicts, destroyed families (alcohol does that, shall we go back to prohibition?) and assholes driving under the influence (it blows my mind that not only are these people NOT in jail, but they can still drive!), etc. but instead of pissing away billions of bucks in a pointless exercise we would instead _get_ billions in tax revenue. I also suspect that by having cheaper drugs available easily we would probably have a lot less petty crime as fewer addicts would need to steal to support their habit.

In any case, here we (as a nation, I don’t give a damn if you didn’t vote for the guy) elected a dewd who promised so many liberal things only to walk back on essentially all of them (note that the ‘Obamacare’ we wound up with is _exactly_ what Bush Jr tried to foist off on us). He deserves to be thrown out on his ear by the liberals who got him elected, yet because the morons in the GOP have gone so far into the woods on the right (I can’t believe that Santorum actually has a chance to win the nomination; how many women will vote for this moron? Last time I checked, women accounted for half our population) Obama can not only leave the liberals out in the cold, he can step to the right of Nixon, Ford, Reagan and even the two Bushs. If I were conspiratorially minded (and I am on certain days of the week (when the drugs ‘they’ give us in the water wear off, I guess)) I would have to dip back to my thoughts that Obama is actually the Antichrist and all this is a plot to start the end of times.

Author: Tfoui

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