They hate us for our freedoms…

Just when you think your government can’t make you even more disgusted…

U.S. drones targeting rescuers and mourners

So, not only are we in a police state and run by Constitution-shredding oligarchy, our government has taken to committing the worst war crimes imaginable (not that our government committing war crimes is in any way novel, I have mostly focused on local (meaning inside our own country) police state because if we can’t fix that, we certainly can’t fix these war crimes). This, of course, happening under the keen eye of a President elected by promising the most transparent administration ever and who, unbelievably (what the hell were those morons thinking, anyway? A Peace Prize based on a promise? Well, gimme a prize, I promise to end all war!) was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and he hadn’t even taken office. I becha they wish they could take that back now!

I am at a loss on ways to express my visceral upset at the above report. I guess what really amazes me (and I suppose shouldn’t, since I rail against the issue all the time) is that our government doesn’t seem to give a damn about this information getting public. I guess they have accurately determined that the sheeple really are as spineless and moronic as they appear. An article like this should ignite a firestorm like that surrounding Komen’s (clearly politically motivated, all protestations to the contrary) rescinded decision to cut off funding to Planned Parenthood (see here for just one of many examples if you somehow missed that), yet I am quite certain that this article will be the last that anyone hears (at least here in the US, I am sure they get earfuls in most of the rest of the world (heck BBC reports more shit than our own press!)). It is hard to continue with the belief that government need not be evil, wasteful or corrupt (regular readers no doubt see me vacillating all the time), but governments that are evil and corrupt are no doubt also wasteful (at least wasteful in that our tax dollars are used to line the pockets of the oligarchy as opposed to do anything beneficial for the 99%). Of course, as I have mentioned before, I am not sure that there is any way out of the crater we are in without the ‘benefit’ of bloody revolution, so I expect things to get worse before they have the potential to get better. The best case scenario, for me, is the oligarchy backs off a bit on being so damn obvious about their control and allow a few more people to slip over to the dark side before they snap the door shut again (of course, I am hoping to be one of those slipping over to the dark side ;-)).

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...