Money is the problem and transparency is NOT the solution

Forgetting a key lesson from Watergate?

Yes, corrupt money will find its way around any roadblock you care to put in front of it, power attracts the corruptible after all. However, when you legalize corruption, as we have done here in the US by allowing monied interests to buy politicians out in the open and for all to view (who thinks that, in the unlikely event that Gingrich wins the nomination, he won’t remain beholden to Sheldon Adelson for giving him millions for his campaign?), you simply have legitimized that this sort of behavior is OK. If you prohibit money from being speech (I don’t want to even read those arguments, just thinking about that sort of topic in our supposed democracy gives me a headache) and make it a criminal offense to give large sums of money to politicians (this _used to be_ called bribery, which, if I recall, was a crime at one time), then when it is discovered those rich fat cats get to do some hard time and potentially lose their slot in the top 1% (along with the corrupt politicians, of course!). Making our corrupt system more transparent is idiocy in the extreme. I have to wonder if they really are that dumb or if they are in the pay of the oligarchy and just preaching to the sheeple (it being so easy to do, of course).

Author: Tfoui

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