Now back to the previous hand…

George Soros on the Coming U.S. Class War

Just a little while ago I posted how there might actually be some hope that the apocalypse might be avoidable after all: Maybe it is so, but maybe it ain’t and then I read the above piece discussing Soros’ opinions. In many respects he outlines the exact same things I am seeing (or, since he is the rich guy, I am seeing the same things he is seeing), but just because he is rich and respected (well, respected by some, which puts him miles above me and my little blog) doesn’t mean he is right. However, I do feel that bad things are likely to happen and it would take a very foresightful person (and Obama is way too deep in the oligarchy’s pocket to be that person (and the GOP candidates such morons they have no chance at all)) to be able to navigate the challenges ahead without triggering a negative feedback loop leading to an apocalypse. Thus, I lean more toward Soros’ point of view regarding the future and much less toward the author mentioned in my previous post.

It sucks when you figure the best-case scenario is when things don’t suck too much!

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...