Why this is the “Great Recession” rather than “Depression 2.0”

Why do Republicans hate poor, hungry people?
Pennsylvania’s GOP governor announces plans to restrict eligibility for the federal food stamp program

If it weren’t for the remaining shreds of our social safety net we would certainly be in Depression 2.0 rather than ‘only’ in the Great Recession. Sure, it is a burden on society to provide for so many when the economy is cratering, but this cratering movement develops lots of momentum and if it weren’t for this ‘burden’ our economy would be even tinier and our recovery wouldn’t have even begun to begin yet. For intelligent people (which seemingly disqualifies the GOP and the Tea Party entirely) enlightened self interest will cause them to champion the social safety net because it is very easy for people who understand economics to see that letting these people continue their drastic drop into abject poverty drags down EVERYONE including the obscenely wealthy (though, naturally, they couldn’t care less as long as their relative amounts of obscene wealth remain). Conversely, when the economy is in a huge upward spiral and everyone is making more money the wealthy make more money as well (same caveat in reverse, though the very wealthy actually are negatively incentivized toward such things as it might risk their relative standing since some ordinary puke like me might wind up passing them). Too bad our country is populated by morons who are so anti-science and anti-learning that they would rather elect pathological liars than pull their heads out of their asses to actually understand the policies being debated.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...