I’m jealous

Software Scientist
With a little data, Eureqa generates fundamental laws of nature

Hopefully this content will remain available.

This is something I would really have liked to be part of (see Eureqa). Conceptually it is the same as the core of my idea for a genetic programming / machine learning idea for video compression / meta data extraction or stock market prediction algorithms, which means that yet again my dilly dallying (I initially thought of this algorithm idea over a decade ago) has me scooped on yet another great idea. As I get older without having done anything I had originally planned (I was supposed to be running my giga corporation from my orbital headquarters by this point in my life) I find myself increasingly depressed when I see other people commercialize ideas I had long ago. Too bad, so sad; woe is me.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...