The morons did it!

They shut down the ports:

Port of Oakland shut down
Day of action results in at least 27 arrests in three cities

Never mind that those most hurt are the 99% who are trying to pay their bills! It seems to have escaped these people that the rich people are not hurt by losing a small fraction of their income, but the poor (and most middle class!) are. Even if they shut down the ports for a long time (see The costs of a port shutdown) it still would not have any impact on the day-to-day activities of the 1% they claim they are attempting to hurt, instead it would make more of the 99% homeless and destitute and shut down lots and lots of small employers who would likely foolishly try to stave off layoffs by spending their last dollars instead of doing what the 1% would do and just shut down the companies affected. As I suggested earlier, this is probably the beginning of the end for OWS. Soon they will be labeled as terrorists by our Great Leader and rounded up and shuffled off to military prisons never to be heard from again. If I were a fan of conspiracy theories, I would suggest that the 1% put this idea into the (air)heads of the OWS just so such activities would be justified.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...