Throw those damn bums out, the OTHER bums!

Poll: Voters want to throw ’em out

Sounds like a clear referendum on Congress, eh?

…76 percent of voters said most members of Congress do not deserve to be re-elected, the highest percentage Gallup measured in 19 years of asking that question. And the 20% who say congressional members should be re-elected is a record low-one point below the previous low recorded in August.

However, just below is this:

…more than half don’t want their own member to be voted out of Congress. Fifty-three percent say their own representative deserves to be re-elected and almost four in 10 say their congressman does not.

We will never see any form of meaningful change when you keep seeing this sort of dynamic. “Throw the other bums out” just isn’t a meaningful slogan!

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...