I haven’t written much about the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement, I think largely because I am not convinced this leaderless organization with diffused demands can make any impact even if it wasn’t marginalized by the mainstream media.  I figured that they would do something really stupid (or it would be arranged to make it look that way, as there have been several attempts so far) and earn the ire of the general population.  Well, it seems to me they are just about read to do so:

Can a big coordinated effort save Occupy?
Despite union opposition, West Coast protesters from Seattle to San Diego plan to close ports on Monday

I doubt that the average union Joe on the dock is going to be happy with a smaller paycheck because the port is closed, no matter how much they might otherwise support the movement. While the similar thing happens when secretaries and janitors get screwed in Wall Street when the OWS people cause problems there, those people don’t tend to talk directly with crowbars and fists like dock workers. The last thing the movement needs is to have a legitimate reason for the mainstream media to marginalize them and I think they are just about ready to provide that to them.

My prediction is that OWS movement is just about ready to fade away, though only after a big bang that makes them the butt of jokes and subject of ire of mainstream America (or the 99% they profess to represent).

Too bad, I really like their overall message. The 1% has grown way too powerful in our society and without dramatic change, the path forward is to more and more emulate the corrupt third world.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...

One thought on “OWS”

  1. The same thing struck me when I read the news. So much so I attempted my first mouse-drawn cartoon on my own blog.

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