I wasn’t eager to do this…

But this one was just too amusing…

5 Logical Fallacies That Make You Wrong More Than You Think

There are lots of things I find amusing at Cracked (I don’t recall who turned me onto the site, but whoever you are, Thanks!) and my site could easily be nothing more than links to Cracked (sort of like there seem to be lots to Salon).  Having said that, I think this particular article is quite interesting, though I believe, as the author states, that reading the article won’t change anyone’s mind.  Of course, your mind might already be made up that you are open minded and capable of altering your opinions when the facts change (that is how I lie to myself).  Anyway, though it will simply confirm what you already know about yourself, I still think it is worth reading, just to prove it to yourself.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...