I think the fuse has been lit already and is burning down…

I found some emails in my outbox that I guess didn’t generate any responses, but I still think they are interesting so will post them here…

A prime aim of the growing Surveillance State

I think the riots that happened in London are a sneak peak at what we are likely to begin enduring in the US shortly (where I figure ‘shortly’ can be measured in days to weeks, certainly within months) and if we get a crackdown like is being seen in England and the early parallels already here in the US we might finally have reached the point where the sheep will look up (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sheep_Look_Up).

I am now thinking we can have Japan’s decade of zero growth AND food riots all together.  The US is so huge we can easily accommodate the spectrum and if you happen to be where a bit of the apocalypse happens, it is irrelevant that just a few counties away people are continuing their middle class existence with no more impact than having to see it on the evening news.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...