It is a fine idea, but details matter

How to pick your presidential candidate online

Americans Elect (also see the Wiki page) is a great concept, but I have found the implementation lacking. First and most critically foremost, there is a glaring lack of transparency in who is funding the organization. Why? The organization was initially funded by some hedge fund managers, which automatically sets off alarms in my mind, though I suppose it is in principle possible for wealthy people to actually give a damn about ordinary people (for example Warren Buffet). However, based on reports of their bylaws, the board retains the soul right to appoint whomsoever they please as the candidate, irrespective of the votes. That is a second major flag to me and one that has kept me from anything more than idle curiosity.

Also, something I didn’t see and wanted to, was a large number of web pages devoted to people interested in being President. I expected to see a series of pages for Scott Adams, for instance. I expected those pages to be there explaining policy platforms, background, interests, etc., long before there was any deadline to cast a vote. Indeed, I expected there to be an opportunity for me to throw my own hat in the ring (I am an idiot optimist and can’t help myself. Despite despising politicians I can’t help but think I could do a pretty damn good job if I could get the chance (what a moron!)). Instead I find a whole lot of nothing, some blather about stuff to come, and of course the above mentioned HUGE RED FLAGS.

There are plenty of great ideas in our country that never pan out (I really liked the idea of the Most Transparent Administration Ever that Obama promised, where it be?) and I fully expect this to be another in that huge pile of failed ideas due to crappy implementation. I don’t think I am even curious enough to cast votes and based on what I have read, they are having problems getting more than a couple thousand people interested in the process. Good luck with that!

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...