For those interested in some of the mechanics for why Sandy wound up being such a (comparatively) violent storm and some suggestions as to how likely it is to happen in the future…
How the Frankenstorm came to life
Sandy …
The Fount of Useless Information
Your place for useless information that just might possibly be interesting.
For those interested in some of the mechanics for why Sandy wound up being such a (comparatively) violent storm and some suggestions as to how likely it is to happen in the future…
How the Frankenstorm came to life
Sandy …
Plastic fantastic seals in speeding projectiles
Layered polymer nanomaterial wraps around penetrating particles
To me this is really interesting, beyond the raw science, as a way to potentially build better shields for spacecraft. My understanding of current space craft …
I have babbled about how the rich actually have a negative incentive to bolster the economy; well at Jared Bernstein’s blog (I am a regular reader) he provides a graph that I think seals the case (from this post: “…
US Muslim placed on no-fly list is unable to see his ailing mother
Despite never having been charged with any crime, an Air Force veteran is effectively exiled from his own country
I know I talked about easing up …
Actually, it is the “Swedish Central Bank Prize in Economic Sciences” that was created “in memory” of Alfred Nobel…
The Nobel Prize in Economics? There Is No Nobel Prize in Economics
Any of this sound familiar?
…Promoters of central
I don’t have that many reader(s), but felt that I would do my tiny part in promgulating yet another instance of partisian involvement in the operation of supposed non-partisan arms of the government…
Republican Pressure Leads to Withdrawal of Fact-Based …
I wasn’t going to comment on Sandy and its depredations along the coast but after seeing article after article (or perhaps the exact same article hawked at many places, I never actually read any of it) babbling about how Sandy …
I wasn’t able to work on this yesterday (I stayed home) because ever since I upgraded my machine to Ubuntu 12 I have had random freezes when I surf the web (not always associated with web surfing, once it hung …
This is one post in a series looking at the various third-party candidates. For a summary, please see here
Jill Stein’s positions overall appear to be rather unrealistic given that, if elected, she would have to work with a Congress …
This is one post in a series looking at the various third-party candidates. For a summary, please see here
Gary Johnson started out as a GOP candidate but when he failed to get any traction in the primaries he decided …