I found some emails in my outbox that I guess didn’t generate any responses, but I still think they are interesting so will post them here…
How the US government secretly reads your email
Secret orders forcing Google and Sonic …
The Fount of Useless Information
Your place for useless information that just might possibly be interesting.
I found some emails in my outbox that I guess didn’t generate any responses, but I still think they are interesting so will post them here…
How the US government secretly reads your email
Secret orders forcing Google and Sonic …
PROTECT IP Renamed E-PARASITES Act; Would Create The Great Firewall Of America
Thanks to Erik for this link!
This would appear to be more of the insidious efforts of the wealthy to make law that only applies to others, …
I started this blog today and went through my email to pull out things I wanted to post (I looked at my inbox on my gmail account, so only those emails that someone responded to got posted here). I didn’t …
The return of a zero-sum world
We are already well down the path to third-world status, this article is a road map to get the rest of the way there……
Some good stuff today…
Why we should protect those accused of rape
Initially the article sounds outlandish, but it makes a very good point. Very analogous to the loosy-goosy way people wind up on sexual predator lists (I read …
The Master’s as the New Bachelor’s
It seems clear to me that we are having an education bubble exactly the same as the housing bubble. When I started my MBA more than 15 years ago it was purported to …
If students fail history, does it matter?
I took the quiz they had and while I got 100%, I was left to guess on 3 or 4 of the questions and only the context allowed me to narrow down …
The hard truth about getting old
Sixty isn’t the new 40, and 80 isn’t the new 60. I know it. You know it. So why do we buy into it?
I have read several articles about the idea of …
The Heady Thrill of Having Nothing to Do
Is constant stimulation hurting our creativity—and the economy?
The article seems tongue-in-cheek, but I imagine there are several kernels of truth in it. Having to make do with little or nothing …
When we all get brain implants, those will be hacked as well. Then we really won’t know if we are in the matrix or not……