Knowledge is Health
This is an interesting article, but what struck me was the idea that we (as a society) have already become cyborgs (the melding of machine and man), what with our dependence on smart phones and all. His idea that something like Google Glasses will help steer us to a healthier lifestyle is quite interesting. As my wife and I went for a short walk today (which, while enjoyable, was probably a dumb idea given my illness) I sort of riffed on this idea talking about the lab-on-a-chip idea (of which my DNA sequencing chip is but a version) as well as the breath analyzer idea. Your smart phone could frequently analyze your physical (and really, why not emotional/psychic as well?), communicate with the great diagnostician in the sky and either preempt any illnesses all together or quickly treat them long before they became chronic.
So we are already cyborgs, it is just refinements from here on out…