Run! Just not too much or too fast

Moderation as the Sweet Spot for Exercise

So, what would you give for an extra 6 years of healthy life (if you are a guy, ‘only’ 5.6 for women)? Would you get up off your ass and go for a couple mile walk a couple of times a week? Perhaps squeeze in a slow shamble? Of course, it doesn’t have to be jogging, it could be biking or some other aerobic activity, just get up off that damn couch and move around and get the blood flowing!

What sort of agony do cancer sufferers go through for just a few more years of life? The cure is nearly as bad as the disease! Here the ‘cure’ is hardly a bad deal at all and instead of just living a few more years, you get the added benefit of greatly reducing your chance of diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, etc. Why is it so difficult for Americans to shake their booties?

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...