More police state…

Federal judge complicity
The Supreme Court is asked to decide if governnment [sic; don’t they do any spell checking?] officials can be held accountable for torturing a US citizen

I am starting to lose steam on reporting about our police state. I am coming to the realization that no one gives a damn. As the ACLU says in their Supreme Court brief, we are well past the point of no return anyway:

…our legal system has arrived at the bottom of the slippery slope.

I guess it is now just a question of how bad it gets before (if) the pendulum swings back. The sheeple that think that this is all OK because “all Muslims are terrorists anyway” totally fail to accept the fact that anyone can be trivially labeled as a terrorist and be dropped into a legal black hole never to be seen or heard from again. The rule of law is dead (except when applied to the 99%, of course), the oligarchy is in total control and it is only a matter of time before the ruling class gets bored with these silly-assed elections (all just for show anyway) and simply wave their hands and make it all go away. Since there is no ‘higher power’ the US has to answer to (unlike, say, Saddam Hussein, who was forced to maintain the fiction of democratic elections to keep up the US flow of arms) there is no incentive to keep the sham of democracy going once the oligarchy has decided it is a waste of time and effort.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...