Why the 1% just doesn’t get it

Why Wall Street Should Stop Whining

I haven’t made time to read the original article that is alluded to in the page listed above (not sure I would be happy with my blood pressure if I did), but I have read a couple of other writers complaining about the absolute cluelessness of the original author and the people he interviewed. I decided that I liked Matt’s article best, so blogged on his. We are really in Alice’s Wonderland in that these people who have the audacity to complain that they are suffering from some trivial pay cuts when their own actions have lead to huge swaths of our population being unemployed and underwater on their mortgages (and thus unable to move to where jobs might be as would have happened in previous recessions) are still in control of our government and thus doggedly resisting any efforts to prohibit them from carrying out such destructive acts in the future. That is why our government feels so disconnected from our population, these Wall Street-ers are so totally insulated by the consequences of their actions that they feel feel comfortable making such statements.

The only thing saving these Marie Antoinette-ish ‘let them eat cake’ (though from reading the Wiki page it seems clear she never actually said that) idiots from being stormed by the 99% mob is the illusion that the 99% have anything to do with the operation of our government. If they, in their ignorance, remove or diminish that illusion, I predict very bad things are going to happen.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...