He may talk better, but he is just as stupid

as the last guy before him:

Obama’s Drift Toward War With Iran

I have talked a time or twain about the manufacturing of the basis for a new war with Iran, so this isn’t such a new topic for me. However, reading this article (presuming it isn’t full of BS, one can never be sure about anything in politics any more) it seems clear that as clueless and idiotic as Bush was/is, Obama, while he may sound articulate and intelligent, is just as much of a dumbass as the last guy. Since we likely will have this guy or Romney in office in a year it is important to understand how they think since they are going to be running our country. I am convinced that if Romney isn’t actually a Mormon mole determined to take over our government and de-securalize it, he is just an empty shirt who has no principles and just wants to add President of the United States after his name. So its “Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, here I am, Stuck in the middle with you.”

So, if there are any (potential) Obama supporters out there amongst my reader(s), I suggest reading the article as a way to get a glimpse on how our Great President’s mind works (or fails to work, as appears to me).

BTW, regarding Romney, it seems that even empty shirts occasionally have smart things to say. It seems Romney supports the idea of pegging the minimum wage to inflation (why is it our moron government can’t make this the default with everything?) so that it can adjust without an act of Congress. It seems like such an obvious idea, yet the conservative anti-government types are quick to trot out the same old hackneyed discussions that it will cause the number of jobs to decrease. Even if we accept that minimum wages cause jobs to be lost (something clearly arguable and I while I have mostly argued that it will, there are legitimate arguments for why it won’t), I think it is impossible to (rationally) argue that causing the wage to be pegged to inflation could cause any incremental increase in job loss since the net result would be nada (though, I suppose, one could argue that as inflation eats away at the wage hiring might incrementally increase as a consequence, though I think that is BS).

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...