More proof (as if it were needed) that our future sucks…

If you accept, as I do, that our current President is an intellectual version of the drunk frat boy we had in office for the previous 8 years, thus is totally unqualified to lead our country by virtue of his selling out to special interests (to be honest, though, if any candidate refuses to sell out he/she would never get elected), then the only hope for positive future lies in the GOP race. However, when you have seen so much moronic blather spouted by the front runners (I still like (or don’t dislike, a distinction I haven’t resolved) Huntsman enough to vote for him if a miracle happens and he winds up the nominee) it is hard to find any hope. Hope is now officially dashed…

Gingrich Leads Revolt Against Judges

It is one thing to actually sidestep the SC (as Obama has been doing by carefully creating situations where the SC isn’t actually allowed to rule), but to go on official public record stating you are going to totally ignore 1/3 of our nation’s checks and balances (be aware, of course, that Obama has already been ignoring Congress, so he has the distinction of already ignoring 2/3 of our checks and balances, but at least he doesn’t brag about it!) seems the height of idiocy.

Gingrich is

“fed up with elitist judges imposing secularism on the country and basically fundamentally changing the American Constitution.”

Of course, he is not actually fed at all on the idea of the executive branch fundamentally changing the Constitution by ignoring the judicial branch. It always astounds me that these people can keep such distinct ideas in their heads without their brains exploding, but I guess that is what makes them special.

Of course, there are issues with the SC (see and it seems clear to me that they are not operating on strictly legal grounds at all times, but it really disturbs me the casual way these nut jobs on the one hand demand total adherence to the Constitution on issues they favor while demanding it be tossed aside whenever it is inconvenient.

So, unless something bizarre happens and Huntsman becomes the GOP candidate (I just can’t see that happening, I figure it is more likely that the wacko Paul will be the candidate than Huntsman), I really see no advantage to the candidate from either party. One Constitutional trasher or the other and both want to continue to foster our growing income inequality and both want to trash our social safety net (Obama’s proposals, not too long ago, were mainstream GOP ideas, which, naturally, has forced the GOP candidates to get even further wacko to the right, but really, progressives got this clown elected? And they want to reelect him?) and both want endless war with steadily increasing erosion of privacy and civil liberties (with the exception of Paul, but he has plenty of other wacko ideas that disqualify him in my mind), so I can’t see any benefit in voting for either party. I am sure there will be third parties, but historically any vote for a third party was a vote thrown away and I don’t see any point in standing in line for the privilege of doing something pointless).

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...