It gets dull with repetition…

Police state this, police state that, I run on and on and on about it. I will probably finally stop droning on about it at some point because I will be arrested for having droned on so much about it, but until that point here is another…

Why no one’s investigating Wall Street
The government finds money to crack down on food stamp “fraud.” If it wanted to go after finance crooks, it could

Selective enforcement of the law is sort of a hallmark of a police state. When it is selectively enforced such that the wealthy and powerful are immune from the law and the poor and powerless are subject to the law, that is the prime definition of a police state. The article didn’t mention that our great leader is already targeting people for incarceration and even assassination on his personal whim without any publicly available evidence whatsoever, let alone a public trial, and the people who shrug and say that is OK are all complicit in our new police state and when it comes to the point (which it will, unless this is reversed) when they are cowering in their basement because some local blowhard dick with a gun and a badge has decided he doesn’t like their hair cut (or whatever spurious reason, it really won’t matter at that point) they will richly deserve their fate.

Those of us who believe in such arcane ideas as Constitutional rights such as free speech, the rights of assembly, due process and law (amongst many others!) will shortly have no recourse but to go underground
and attempt a revolution. Of course I have a big fat target on myself because of this blog, even though I got, maybe, a half dozen readers (I am being very generous to myself), but if no one complains then everyone is saying it is OK. I am saying it is not OK, though I doubt my shouting into a vacuum will matter any little bit. The American Empire is in its declining years and we can decline with a bang or we can decline with a whimper, but without a total revitalization of our entire government putting it back into the hands of the people, there is absolutely no reversing the decline. If I am really really lucky, the overt signs of the decline (the more covert signs of the decline have been visible since shortly after WWII) will hold off just long enough for me to establish some sort of means of independent (from the ‘great’ U. S. of A.) existence, but I expect it will come when I am unprepared, just like everyone else.

It seems rather pointless to have the vision to predict the future if you can’t alter the future or actively prepare a way to personally mitigate the future’s effect on you. I guess I understand Paul Atreides better now since I have my own gift of future sight (gifted through the study of history, economics and public policy). I think I would be happier if I were ignorant, that way I wouldn’t waste so much energy being upset about something I likely will have no influence on anyway.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...