Elect Jon Huntsman!

Bring U.S. military in line with new reality
By Jon Huntsman

While he is still clearly a politician (and therefore a corrupt scumbag out to sell even his mother to get elected ;-)) Huntsman is the only potential candidate (given that Obama is very unlikely to see any sort of challenge) that seems like he might be good for our country, and not worse. He is clearly able to work toward the common good as shown by his willingness to be Obama’s ambassador to China. Also, by being the Chinese ambassador he likely has worlds better understanding of foreign policy than any of the other Republican blowhards (and quite possibly better than Obama, the great sellout). Huntsman seems to be the lone voice of reason in a polarized partisan world and while he has said a few things I object to, by far he seems a reasonable man of principle who holds out for the greatest good for the greatest number.

I am not sure he is a perfect candidate (not sure that anyone but me could be that ;-)), but he is way more perfect (or hugely less imperfect) than the other morons we have as our likely next President.

Too bad there is no ‘none of the above’ option when voting. I really don’t like Obama, I see him as an unprincipled sellout (in other words, a regular politician) and Romney clearly has no principles whatsoever, so no one can possibly predict what he will do in office and the rest are total morons (or worse). While occasionally the other candidates might say something sensible, so much utter crap comes out of their mouths that I have to believe they would be disasters if they get into office. Not that I think another 4 years of Obama does our country any favors either! Sadly, unless some miracle happens, I don’t see Huntsman as a viable candidate in the primaries, which means we are probably stuck with Romney, which leaves us with the horrible choice of which moron is worse as President to know who to vote against rather than being able to choose who we think would be best and vote for them.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...