The Latest Crime Wave

The Latest Crime Wave: Sending Your Child to a Better School School districts hire special investigators to follow kids home in order to verify their true residences.

“Only in a world where irony is dead could people not marvel at concerned parents being prosecuted for stealing a free public education for their children. ”

Given the number of poor parents that convincingly give the impression they don’t give a damn about their children’s education, it flabbergasts me that people are actually arrested, prosecuted, convicted and sentenced for this ‘crime’, surely the most victimless ‘crime’ that ever existed.  Where, exactly, is the cost to anyone, let alone society, when a child goes to the ‘wrong’ public school?

Truly our society is accelerating its slide into oblivion.  It seems to me that the (under reported, shock!) protests at Wall street (I am slightly heartened that the protests appear to be spreading (and getting more press, see “As Wall Street protest enters 3rd week, movement gains steam nationwide” is possibly our only hope to stem the acceleration and give our nation a chance to avoid decades of privation (unless, of course, you are a member of the billionaire elite).  I read a rather horrifying article about Perry (the current GOP front runner, in case your head has been in the sand trying to block out the cacophony) that makes it perfectly clear the guy is totally corrupt and has only ever been in politics to enrich himself and his friends.  Since Romney (currently) appears to be the only other choice (Christie, it would seem, is too late in the game to have any real chance (except to dilute the GOP’s efforts and get Obama re-elected)) and his track record as a politician is only slightly better (or rather, slightly less worse), it would seem that we will be left with the typical choice come next Nov: death by hanging or death by firing squad.  I can’t see any of our apparent choices lifting a finger to even pause our head-long rush into a nation-wide police state (as opposed to the current state-by-state version we are building today) that stomps on the rights, health and financial welfare of the non-billionaires (when are the dumb-assed millionaires going to realize that eventually they will be targeted as we are?).

Please let me be totally wrong on this!  Please let me be a fatalistic pessimist who can’t see the dawn’s early light!  Please!

Author: Tfoui

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