Opps, it is already here…

The national police state isn’t on its way, it is already here…

So much evidence, there’s no need to show it

So easy for everyone to ignore ‘just this one case’ until they start to add up the number of people the government can now target.  But wait! you say, I am a WASP, not some dirty Muslim terrorist eager to bring down our great government!  However, with very little effort on the government’s part, you could trivially be made into a terrorist sympathizer and rounded up and sent to some due-process free hell hole somewhere, never to be seen again.  All the government has to do is claim it has overwhelming evidence you are a bad guy.

Initially I was thinking Obama was the Antichrist, then I started to doubt him, but now I am changing my mind again.  If he gets reelected someone needs to shave his noggin and start looking for signs.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...