‘Barefoot’ running

Is Barefoot-Style Running Best? New Studies Cast Doubt

I talked earlier about my intention to try out ‘barefoot’ running (not really barefoot, more like a foot glove). After switching to jogging on the balls of my feet for about 18 months, last year I got a pair (Vibrams, I think they are called) and tried them out. I was surprised (shocked, really) that the balls of my feet felt like they were on fire after only a half mile or so (typically our walk/jog route is 4 miles). I stuck with it and was eventually able to get to the point I could go about 2.5 miles before the burning sensation would start, but further efforts didn’t seem to change any of that. Because that sensation happened whether jogging or walking I started to use my shoes again when I walked and, with winter setting in, I haven’t used them for at least 6 months. I started to ramp up my jogging a month or so ago and made the conscious decision to go with shoes thinking I might switch later. I am now (even before reading this article) not sure I want to switch back. With the shoes I have the option of heel walking/jogging, something that isn’t the case without them (quite painful to do heel first walking with the Vibrams!) and I find that switching to heel-first even for a few 10’s of feet gives my muscles a nice break and allows me to go further (went 7 miles earlier this week, though paid for it the next day).

If you are thinking about going barefoot, I suggest you take it very slow. Though I feel like I am less prone to injuring myself going on the balls of my feet, I can do that without giving up my shoes!

Author: Tfoui

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