Too fast, too furious

What You Need to Know About the GOP’s War Against Eric Holder

Not that I have much respect for Holder (his wishy-washy-ness regarding trying terrorists put him on my ‘idiot politician’ list (granted there are few politicians _not_ on that list)), but based on what I have read I would put large sums of money that no one in DC even knew about this silly-assed program to leak guns to Mexican drug lords. Of course, everyone wants to take political advantage of it; had it been successful you can be sure that, just like the non-(officially)existent drone program that is ‘leaked’ all the time, we would be having the exact same committee meetings, but the Democrats would be babbling about what a great guy Holder was for implementing that project he didn’t know a damn thing about.

I hate politicians!

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...

2 thoughts on “Too fast, too furious”

  1. Holder and his compatriots remind me a lot of tits on a boar hog. That goes for his rivals, too.

    I don’t think it’s germane if we knew about the fiasco or not. There are a lot of stupid or criminal things that we go through life unaware of. That doesn’t make them right, and if we discover them, we have every right to bitch and demand suitable penalties.

    This is a non-partisan opinion. Hang ’em all. If they’re no-necks, then shoot ’em.

    1. I agree that the project should be investigated, daylight does wonder for killing off the fungus that lives amongus. However, my objection is to the circus of having a Congressional inquiry with no other purpose than for political theater. I know it is wasted angst (I should change this forum name to ‘Wasted Angst’), I just keep fantasizing that there are signs of intelligent life on planet Earth.

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