Probing Obama’s secrecy games
Will high-level Obama officials who leak for political gain be punished on equal terms with actual whistleblowers?
Another in a long series of complaints about our police state. I know that it is pointless to continue to harp on this, but I just keep fantasizing that someday the trend will reverse. Silly, I know, but I guess I am an eternal optimist in that regard.
As Glenn discusses, that McCain and company are complaining about the leaks is intended to keep the President from leaking, not for increased transparency or legal accountability. What we really need is the opposite, but the most critical element of a police state is the unequal application of the law. If we can send a raft of administration officials off to do a couple of decades of hard time for leaking, then at least we will begin to resolve some of the police state issues. Then, perhaps, we can tackle the fact that our government is committing crimes against its own citizens…